Wednesday 11 July 2012

My Medi-Transform weight loss experience 

I decided to put myself onto the medi-transform program to lose a few kilos.  My jeans were getting a bit tight and a small tummy had started to appear and love handles were just starting to bud.  Now is the time to act before things get out of hand, I thought to myself.  These couple of extra kilos might just give me an opportunity to practice what I preach!  (preaching is infinitely easier than practicing in my opinion)

So, I got all my products together for Medi-Transform.  The food is pretty normal fare but one should stay away from all digestible fats and oils in skincare products (It sound a bit loopy, but the little bits of fats and oil absorbed throught the skin makes a demontrable difference to weight loss).  I screened my skincare products and found that most of my make-up is oil free or made from mineral oil (which is ok on Medi-Transform).  I got some good old aquous cream, baby oil, and Johnsons baby shampoo (which are all ok on Medi-Transform) and got some Nissim oil-free conditioner from a local hairderesser.  I am not going to use ANY other cosmetics or soap while on the program for fear of jeapordising my success. 

Weight 72.2 kg
Lessons learnt:  Feast days are necessay! 
                            Breakfast is essential for me
                            Drinking lots of fluids makes a HUGE difference
I felt: Scared and Excited and some detox lightheadedness and a bit of hunger

I jumped into the Weight-Loss phase of the program without completing the suggested 2 Feast days which are supposed to reduce initial hunger on Medi-Transform.

I felt pretty scared of not being able to cope.  I started the day with my Fat-Burn-Spray and had my fibre and vitamin c with a glass of water about half an hour later, followed by a cup of quality coffee and a bit of milk.

Although I could have had an apple or another allowed fruit for breakfast, I decided to keep them for later in the day and have nothing till 12 o'clock lunch.  This turned out to be a mistake for me personally, beacause I can't function without something to eat in the morning.  I became super hungry at about 11 and had 5 almonds to be able to make it to lunchtime.

Tuna with mixed greens and rocket
Lunch at 12 was lovely, yet simple.  I had a can of tuna in brine (drained) with a bed of mixed lettuce leaves and rocket.  I seasoned the salad with balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper.  I had my normal cup of tea at lunchtimewithout milk or sugar.  Not my favourite.

My first afternoon also saw me getting super hungry, and I had another 5 almonds to cope.  I had a few glasses of water and some green tea, which made me feel much better.  Staying hydrated also seems quite important to ones general wellbeing on this program.

Supper consisted of 100g of fat free beef steak, (flavoured with cumin, salt and pepper, and dry fried -no oil- in a non-stick pan) , on 2 cups of shredded cabbage wih a sprinkling of soy sauce.  Delicious!

I had lots of sparkling water in the evening and a cup of rooibos.  I felt quite thirsty and very appreciative of the bubbles in the water.

I ate my orange a little bit at a time (and enjoyed it temendously) and I had 2 snack breads while wathing movies.

I felt quite amazed at the end of the evening at how well the day actually went and I felt proud that I did so well.

I slept like a baby!

Day 2:
Weight: 71.6
Weight loss for day: 500g
Lessons Learnt:  Emononal ups and downs are normal and doesn't last 
I felt: Some saddness and still detoxing

 I had much the same routine in the morning, except I ate my apple about 30 minutes after the Fat-Burn-Spray.  It made a huge difference to my energy and hunger throught the morning, although I still heard my stomach rumble a bit at 11am while seeing patients.

I had tuna again, this time a cup of chopped tomatoes, seasoned with salt, cayenne pepper and lemon juice.  It was filling and quite nice, but I knew I needed to get a bit more ceaticve with the next lunch (too much, too soon tuna!).

I got a bit hungry in the afternoon, but I again noticed that drinking water helped.  I also had a cup of green tea with mint which I enjoyed.

Supper really worked!  I marinated 100g of chicken fillets (cubed) in lemon juice, chopped garlic and cumin for a few hours.  I made sosaties (skewers) with a few pieces of onion and sweet pepper,which I grilled in the oven till golden.  I had that on 2 cups of spinach which was cooked with a little fat free vegetable stock and a chopped clove of garlic.  Yum!

The evening snacks were also orange and 2 crispbreads.

I felt a bit of sadness in the afternoon and I felt a bit depondent in the evening before going to sleep (the usual feelings of "will I be able to keep this up?").  I think this is pretty normal on a program like Medi-Transform in the first week.

My state of mind was improved 100% by the weight loss experienced by Day3 .....

Day 3:
Weight: 70.8
Weight loss for day: 800g
Weight loss in total: 1.3kg
Lessons learnt: Exercise this early in the program doesn't feel too good
 I Felt: Seriously chuffed with my weight loss so far!!

I lost 1.3 kg by the morning of Day 3 and felt pretty chuffed!
I felt a lot more in control and sure that I can do this.

I tried something different for luch today:  a spring onion omelet on a bed of kale (spinachy leaf of the cabbage family).  It was made using 1 whole egg and 3 egg whites in a not spick pan, sprinkled with spring onions.  it made for a nice change from tuna, but the kale was a bit overpowering.  I think mixed greens might have been nicer.
Omlettte with spring onions on kale

Supper consisted of hake topped with chopped capers and garlic, grilled in the oven.  This was served on a bed of brocoli with lemon squeezed over everything.  Very good.

I had yoga scheduled for that evening, and although I knew that weight-loss could be stopped by strenious exercise, went anyway.  I struggled a bit and my muscles burned.

Day 4:
Weight: 70.8
Weight loss for day: 0kg
Lessons Learnt: Execsise stalls weight loss!
I Felt: A bit diappointed with no eight loss this morning, but otherwise centred  and calm

Ok. So I knew not to book any more yoga sessions for the next few days!

I felt great and calm and generous and kind for most of the day.

Lunch was back to tuna.  I had tuna on a medium cucumber, sliced, with lemon juice drizzled over.  It was tasty and crunchy but a bit dry.  I did enjoy the crunchyness of the cucumber, though.

Tuna and cucumber

Supper was dry fried steak on a bed of brocoli.  Always a win.

I was slightly sad when I had no more food left for the day, so I am going to try to eat a bit later in the day.

Day 5:
Weight: 70.6
Weight loss for day: 200g
Total weight loss: 1.5kg
Lessons Learnt: Eat meals a bit later in the day
                            I struggled to finish the food! 
I felt:   It's much easier by now and my jeans are already feeling looser!

I was into the groove by now.  It was all getting easier and felt pretty normal.

Lunch was an awesome cajun ckicken salad.
I cut the chicken fillet into strips and rubbed them with cajun spice before dry frying them in a non-stick pan, and served it on a bed of lettuce with rocket.

Cajun Chicken salad with Rocket
In the evening I had Haddock on cabbage cooked in a bit of vegetable stock.  This was maybe the tastiest thing I have made so far.  I placed the cabbage in a closed pyrex bowl, with a bit of veg stock and the Haddochk fillet placed on top.  This I microwaved for about 10 minutes.  This was the first meal this week that I had to eat in 2 sessions because I was full half way!

I still had my apple in the morning and an oranje in the evening, with 2 crackerbreads to snack on in the evening.

Day 6:
Weight: 70.2
Weight loss for day: 400g
Total weight loss: 1.9kg
Lessons Learnt: Too little water maybe?
I felt: Ok.  Energy good and focus good

I had a very busy and productive day at work. I managed to stay focused , even better than usual.  It felt as if my blood sugar levels (often low which makes me dizzy and cranky) were more stable than usual.

I had my usual (by now) apple and coffee in the morning and then forgot to drink until 4 in the afternoon.  I drank may glasses of water in the evening, but I didn't quite catch up.

  I has Tuna and tomato warmed up in the microwave (rather nice) at lunch and I rehashed some previous meal ideas for supper: I had cajun chicken and spinach cooked in stoch with garlic for supper (the protein and veg dishes clashed a bit, but were quite nice separately).

Day 7:
Weight: 70.2
Weight loss for day: 0g
Total weight loss: 1.9kg
Lessons Learnt:  Too little water = no weight loss
I Felt: Craving eating and a bit hungry

It being a sunday and may day off in the week, I had nothing much to do.  I cleaned my kitchen and did some shopping .... and thought about food too much.  I think a lazy day at home is more difficult than a busy productive day.

I made an absolutely delicious meal for lunch: Thai Prawn Salad!  I cooked the prawn meat from frozen in a little pan and added garlic, a bit of lemon grass, gresh grated ginger  and lemon juice.  I served this on a bed of lettuce, with a handful of fresh coriander on top.  This was one of my most delicious dishes fo far, bur I was hungry afterwards, which might have been due to my time to thing about food, but I also susect that shelled frozen prawns might also contain a lot of excess water.  I will use 150g of frozen prawns next time.

Thai prawn salad
This also opened up the possibility of other Thai dishes...

I went for a heaty extra lean mince and garlicky tomato dish in the evening wich was great and no more hunger! 

The end of the day left me feeling a bit deflated and hoping for some good weight loss..

Day 8:
Weight: 69.6
Weight loss for day: 600g
Total weight loss: 2.5kg
Lessons Learnt: Just hang in there when you have a tough day, it doesn't last
I felt: Very chuffed! No hunger today. Feeling healthier and better than ususal

Yay! I broke through the 70kg barrier and lost quite a bit of weight so far.

I realised that my jeans felt even looser that a few days ago.  My chronic low grade sinusitis also felt better and my eyesight felt better(!?). 

I had tuna on lettuce with corriander and rocket for lunch (yum) and steak with broccoli for supper.

A good day all round.

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